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Luis Vicente, coach y motivador para ayudarte a alcanzar el éxito. Fundador y CEO de Incrementum Academy

martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

StarShine Academy: on a world wide Education initiative and the X-Prize

Dear Friends

Last year I had the honor to be invited to speak to the students at Star Shine Academy in Phoenix, AZ. What a group of very valuable kids. Although most live in difficult, negative and poor environments, Star Shine Academy devotes itself to providing them with the best K-12 education.

This year Star Shine has embarked yet in another more challenging project, reaching out to 250 million kids worldwide. They are doing a magnificent effort and if they succeed, they will receive the X-Prize for Global Learning to pursue this amazing goal; but they need our help. They need to raise enough funds to help this project get started.

If you want to find out more about the project and what this amazing prize means, I invite you to please read the link below:

I am sure you will love the project and if possible contribute to its success. Go ahead, share the news and become involved in this worldwide education improvement.

Muchas gracias anticipadas,

Luis Vicente

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